Multispan greenhouses and hydroponic systems have long been a mainstay for the cut-flower industry. Roses, Gerbera and many other flowers grow best in greenhouses with climate control, for protection from the elements as well as year-round production.

The international demand for blueberry production continues to grow and Southern African producers are well positioned to continue to develop and exploit this market.

Strawberries are one of the most luxurious and sought-after berries around the world. A number of different hydroponic systems have been developed for this crop.

Celery & Spinach
Also classified under the leafy green category, celery, spinach (swiss chard) and similar crops like leeks and spring onions do very well in our own hydroponic system, as well as our imported systems.

Lettuce and Herbs
Lettuce and Herbs, indeed all leafy green vegetables, are very well suited to production in hydroponic systems. In fact, in our systems, they are, surprisingly, often more profitable than the traditional vine crops, both in greenhouses and outdoors.

Medicinal Cannabis
A new crop in the greenhouse environment, cannabis cultivation for medicinal extraction is set for huge investment in the future. It is however, a highly technical crop to grow with very specific climatic requirements.

The modern approach to cucumber production in greenhouses is high wire trellising, though many producers still follow the older traditional low wire system.

Growing sweet peppers or similar crops is a specialist field in greenhouses. At Greener Solutions we have specialised expertise in-house on the intensive production of high quality peppers in hydroponic greenhouses, developed over years of personal experience.

Vine crops like tomatoes require systems that allow for trellising in the greenhouse. To ensure long-season production of indeterminate varieties, greenhouses need to include crop supports...